What to Expect

Are you returning to church or coming to church for the very first time? Maybe you're an active church member who just moved to town and needs to find a new church home. Whatever your story may be, you probably have a lot of questions before you visit Community Baptist Church.

What is your Sunday schedule?

Our Sunday worship services start at 10:00am. See a more detailed outline of our regular meeting times and schedule here.

What are services like?

Our Worship Service consists of music, prayer, and preaching. Our music is a blend of both hymns and contemporary songs done in a conservative & modern style. The majority of our service is devoted to the preaching of God's Word. Our preaching is expository and exegetical. Our pastor typically uses the English Standard Version when he preaches.

What should I wear?

We would be honored just to have you come. If it helps, you can expect to see people in everything from shorts to suits on Sundays. Most of our people come in a business casual style of dress.

Is there anything for my children?

Of course! We have Sunday options for newborns through high school seniors, including special times of worship designed just for the younger kids.

  • Nursery - Provided for ages 0-2 during all services.

  • Sunday School - Age appropriate teaching up through 12th grade is available during our Discipleship Hour at 9am.

  • Worship Service - Children age 2 through 3rd grade attend Children’s Church. We'll connect you with them after the service is over.

By the way, if you're wondering about your college students or single adults, we have options for them too!

Can I bring coffee to church with me?

Yes, you may bring your drink with you, but why not save your money and get coffee at church? We usually have coffee and doughnuts available on Sunday mornings between ministries.